Spiritual Terminology

[Astral Being]: An energy being that resides within the astral plane.
[Ethereal] Cords: A cord is a negative energetic structure that ties you and another being together. These beings however can be another person, or an astral being.  

High or Low [Vibration]: Let me explain, atoms are 99.9999% empty space. The atom is made up of electrons completing their orbits at a speed of 8 cycles per second, which causes the atom to vibrate.
[Demons]; specialized entities that are born with a special energetic system and must feed off negative energies (courtesy of someone[IK] who has firsthand knowledge of demons; this is in his words). "Demons as I know them, are specialized entities that are born with a special energetic system. These beings cannot survive on a wide spectrum of energy, like most could. Instead they are able to use only a certain frequency band that spans a narrow range of what humans often experience as emotions. 
They almost always run on a decidedly negative spectrum of energy, such as pain, fear, anger, sorrow, or hatred. Sometimes several of these, not just one. Because of this, they often get a bad rep-- a guy's gotta eat, and when you can only feed on pain, you don't exactly have many options on how you conduct yourself. A lot of demons end up being forced to, or on their own deciding to, make their own food, by cultivating the proper energies off of normal beings, such as humans. 
Because of this group of negativity-causers, the whole "race" of demons are generally disliked by general spectrum entities. But they aren't all like that! Some mange to use their unique structure to help people. Instead of making food, some demons go nomadic, and search for food where it is already present. 
They consume on the negative energy that already exists in an area, not creating more but leaving emptiness that can be naturally filled with any energy that the source draws to itself. When an area's energy dwindles, the nomadic demon leaves for greener pastures. In this way they can actually be a great help, eliminating bad feelings, dissolving forgotten emotional baggage, even easing physical pain! But they aren't noticed nearly as often, because they always keep moving. So as I define them, like any people, demons have capacity for good and bad."
[Oversoul/OS]: Oversoul is said to be our main soul, the highest (?) level of consciousness as this is originally who we are. The soul with all its energy cannot fit into our small bodies so it fragments itself, or splinters off, into smaller souls and continues to splinter until that can fit into a body. Essentially we are only part of the original soul we come from HOWEVER, it seems that we are still and always will be, connected with the rest of ourselves... our soul group.
[Soul Group/SG]: Fragmented souls from Oversoul, it is said that we are all still connected, that you are still being helped by them, and  YOU can make the decision to connect with them (contact them) and start working together for advancement/enlightenment. 

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